Christmas Day

So today was Baby Jesus' birthday. We had lots to do, but man the morning started off right! Mom and Dad were not up yet at 9:12am so I started yelling for them. Someone actually had the nerve to shut my door all the way so I could not get out of my room without them hearing. Right after I woke up, Mom was helping me brush my teeth, Dad gets a service call. Nothing fun about those. They usually involve Dad saying something somewhere is broken or some not-so-smart person doesn't know how to read or think for themselves so he has to go help them. Imagine, not being able to read. I already know Mom, Kara, Pirates, and a few others, but I digress. Dad is on the cell phone, so Mom calls in reinforcements--all the grandparents. M&P are the closest so they get there 1st. We start tearing into presents. I can not even list all the great stuff. I think my favorite was either my ballerina music box or my rock star outfit. UNTIL I found the note Santa left. Something about a Barbie Jeep next to Mom's car. I run to the garage to find I have my own Powerwheels Jeep. Only problem is it is too cold to ride it yet. Something else to wait until spring. Plus M&P have to leave to go get ready. I was about to get really disappointed until Nina and Poppie get there and they bring The Granny. Good times again. We play with all my new toys, then Dad (who took care of the problem over the phone) busts out his new favorite toy the Wii. All the grownups play with this thing and I run like a loon between all my stuff. What a great morning. I am leaving you a few of my favorite pics. Enjoy the hair!

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