To the Doctor I Go

I am no better today, so Mom and Dad take me to the doctor. I saw Dr. Stites. She seams pretty nice but Mom was not impressed. She told us it is a virus that will last 5-7 days and to treat the fever but to do nothing for the cough and runny nose. Try some tea with lemon and honey. Mom thought this was a load of crap. (Yes, I said crap because that is what my Mom said). Tea with lemon and honey--has this woman ever had a 3 year old? (Once again just repeating my Mom). So Mom gets out the medicine basket and does what she thinks best. She gives me some GREAT medicine that gets rid of my cough and helps me sleep. Thank God for moms that are smarted than physcians. Mom said she was going to call Stephanie tomorrow (I think she means Dr. Lynch, my regular pediatrician) and talk about my visit. Anyway I hope to be feeling better very soon. . .

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