Busy day

Today was jam packed. Mom and I dropped Kara off at school then we went and ate breakfast. I was a major hit with the ladies at the resturant of course. Then we ran some errands and then picked Kara up and had lunch with Aunt Kat and her crew. There was this one little girl Ava there and boy did I like her. She was a few months younger than me and I just could not help myself--I had to kiss her a lot.

Then home for naps and then off to the fair with Mom, Dad, Sis, Aunt Mary, Miss Judy (who I am now calling Nanny) and of course Papaw. We saw lots of cool things. My favorite were the pigs that got into a fight. Mom will be posting pics later.
Big dog dogs
My eye level with this crazy animal--oh my!
me loving the fighting pigs
I would not let Papaw go so Mom could get a family photo--oh well
Me pushing Kara around the parking lot
All tuckered out
I was mad--Mom took me away from Papaw for a picture--how dare she?

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Lunch was super fun! We should do it again next time your mom is off on one of my mom's off days. I will let Ava know of your undying love, and just think you can see her again at my birthday party in 3 weeks! OH LALALALA!
