The Snow and Ice have Arrived

Well the snow and ice have arrived. I was at Mamaw's house when Mom and Dad stopped by to TRY to get me to go home. They said it was getting really slippery outside and if I was going to come home it was time to do so--I politely declined. I was staying the night at Mamaw's for sure. They took this picture last night.


The next thing I know is I wake up freezing. Mamaw said we had to get up and get me ready to go home that Mom and Dad still have power what ever that means. I just know it means warm. So home I go. When I get there Mom and Dad do not think they will keep power very long so they are getting things ready. This means out comes the camping gear and firewood. How fun! I am so excited I dance in the snow.

Then Granny and Mary loose their power too. They come on over to get warm too. Even more fun--company. I am always ready for a party. I played so hard I fell asleep while Aunt Mary rocked me.

Then the unthinkable happens--we loose power too. Everyone decided to stay though since we have a fireplace, firewood, and a gas stove and water heater. It was awesome. I loved the fire. It was beautiful and warm. AND since the food would go bad in the fridge we had a feast to eat. Mamaw and I could even sleep upstairs with no problem. Mom and Dad had other issues though. They were worried about the basement flooding. Dad had to check the battery backup on the sump pump every 2 hours and keep the fire going. Mom just worries a lot so she could not sleep if Dad was not sleeping. He and Mom were so tired the next day and poor Mom had to go to work. But after Dad took a nap, he and I got to go and play. We played outside and went to the mall. Mamaw and Granny hung out in front of the fire and talked and played cards. Dad had some people come over and fix the sump pump with a water powered backup system. It seemed to make Mom and Dad so happy but all they could talk about was a good night's sleep with no flood worries.


My Uncle Steve's power came back on today so Granny is going to go stay with him. Aunt Mary is leaving for Florida today so she left too. Mom and Dad had to go to work and so did Papaw. That just left me and Mamaw to hang out. We played in the living room most of the day since we were running out of wood. Mamaw called Logsdon Land and magically they were able to come up with wood and 2 generators. One for us and one for Mamaw and Papaw. After Dad got home from work that night he and Papaw were building another fire and Poppie comes to visit. He tells us to come over to his house since he has power and not to worry about the generator that night. Mom gets home and starts packing. Poppie goes to pick up Nina and get some donuts and then our power comes on. I am really disappointed. I was looking forward to another slumber party. Mom calls Poppie to tell him and he says he and Nina will stop by with the donuts anyway. I then con Nina and Poppie into taking me home with them so I can continue the party. Life is good for a busy girl like me. All the adults look so tired though.


Today Mamaw and Papaw's power came back on too--they go home. I am so sad. I get back from Nina and Poppies and everything has gone back to normal. The house is quiet and clean. Mom and Dad are home and working on things there. Bandit is sleeping. I am really very sad the excitement is over. But there is a silver lining--more snow could be coming next week. . .

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